Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Memory Lane

Courtesy of James Whitson, who's got his scanner working, here are a couple of photos from the nineties. First up it's a tour photo from the Norman Berger Underpants tour to Leeds in 1994. We are wearing our drinking hats.

Back row, l-to-r: Brian St. John, Neil Mackay, Neil Smith, Peter Robertson, Ian Wallace, Dee Harley. Front row: Bob Mottram, Donald Pretsell, Euan Kennedy, Paul Chowdhry, James Whitson, Alan Stevens.

Next up it's the Parks Trophy winning team from 1999, fresh from victory over Marchmont at Newfield (130 for 4 beat 127 for 8).

Back row l-to-r: Chris Goddard, Robin Crouch, Bob Harston, Ian Wallace, Steve Davey. Front row: James Whitson, Mike Everett, Richard Donald (capt), Paul Chowdhry, Euan Kennedy.

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